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Art Gallery Blog
Motivation & Discipline
I was in a dark space and motivated to see the light. And so the "Thought Patterns" body of work started to emerge quickly turning into...
Morning Pages
Morning pages, journaling, getting the ink out.⠀ I love writing every morning. Getting out the nonsense so that I can move onto my...
Playbills & My Mom
My mom loved theatre, #playbills, and all things NYC. When she passed away I took all of her boxes of playbills. They sat in the garage...
Inspiring Lines #3: Get out the Ink
Last month, I took a local #artclass with my dad. Sadly, the teacher spoke half the time causing many participants to be antsy. I...
Align Your Thoughts
When you align your thoughts, feelings, and beliefs with spirit, you will be in harmony with something much larger than yourself. I...
Yom Hashoah
I didn't even know that today was #Yomhashoah2019, and for that I'm embarrassed. But I am moved, and know that it was meant to be. Today...
When thinking about journaling you may want to find a stack of paper, simple book, or beautifully crafted journal.⠀I love finding a new...
Healing through Meditation and Art⠀Workshop
I am humbled and so excited to invite you to a profound workshop led by Orly Bat Moshe & myself at the fabulous Zen Mind Space. Reserve...
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